Hi Akhil,
so you want a UI form to only be executable for users without this attribute right? Or the whole UI?
If you are talking about a form you could just use a "not in" as SQL filter like:
select mcMSKEY from idmv_entry_simple where mcEntryType = 'MX_PERSON' and mcMSKEY not in (select mskey from idmv_value_basic where attrName = 'MX_FS_PERSONNEL_NUMBER')
or a left join (better performance on MS SQL):
select perNr.MSKEY from
(select mcMSKEY from idmv_entry_simple where mcEntryType = 'MX_PERSON') allUsers
(select mskey from idmv_value_basic where attrName = 'MX_FS_PERSONNEL_NUMBER') perNr
on allUsers.mcMSKEY = perNr.mskey
where perNr.mskey is null