Hello Ali,
you find the SQL documentation of SAP HANA here:
SAP HANA Platform (Core) – SAP Help Portal Page
If you look at the error HANA complains about the "if" because there is no real if-statemant outside of procedures in HANA. However, you can youse a "CASE" statement like this:
<simple_case_expression> ::=
CASE <expression>
WHEN <expression> THEN <expression>
[{ WHEN <expression> THEN <expression>}…]
[ ELSE <expression>]
(from: Expressions - SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference - SAP Library )
so with some real content this could look like:
item, value, cost, margin, abc_cat,
casewhen margin / value <(sum(value)over()- sum(cost)over())/ sum(value)over() then'BELOW'
endas"Margin Categorization"
from my_schema.my_table;
So your SQL should be sth like this (not tested as I dont know what your L refers to!):
case when $[OCRD."CardType"] in ('L') then '58'
else null
from DUMMY;
A tested simple example would be:
case when 'L' in ('L') then '58'
else null
from DUMMY;
(the "else null" part can be left out if you dont need the else!)