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I actually did a reset of the upgrade and started with SUM SP16 PL6 in a new SUM install directory. Didn't help, same error for another table this time - /BCV/S_UIF_COCKPIT_FILTER

This table also not found in SE11 but found in both tables DDNTT and DDNTF.


Logs are as below:








3 ETP000  DONT TOUCH dep. LOADS          = no

3 ETP000  RESET FLAG DBTABPOS            = no

3 ETP000  protocol output to file      = yes, /usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/PN400527_NTACT_CHK.SID

3 ETP301 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

3 ETP000Xread nt "":

2EETP000XRead table "                              ": pgntab call: table not found.

1 ETP111 exit code           : "8"








1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK" ("20160527225442")

2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '01', GwService = 'sapgw01' Client = '000'

4 ETQ399 Environment variables:

4 ETQ399   dbs_hdb_schema=SAPSID

1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK'.

1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:

2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'CHKANT'

2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = 'NOBUFRESET'

2 ETQ399 Arg[2] = ''

1 ETQ399 Using error summary log 'NTACT_CHK.ELG'.

2 ETQ399 Checking of nametabs ...

4 ETQ380 computing toolpath for request "TP_NTACTION_SHD"

4 ETQ381 request "TP_NTACTION_SHD" means "tp ntact for shadow tables"

4 ETQ382 translates to group "R3UP_TOOL_GROUP_SHD"

4 ETQ399 Requirement for tp maps to 'exe'

4 ETQ383 translates to path "/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe"

3 ETQ399 Generating 4 nametab splits for table 'DDNTT' with segmentsize 0.0125.

3 ETQ399 Only estimating count(*) if supported.

2 ETQ000 ==================================================

2 ETQ100 Executing 4 processes in total - will run 20 in parallel.

3 ETQ121 20160527225442 #1 (1): PID 22404 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool splittable table=DDNTT keyfields=TABNAME segmentsize=0.012500 coun

t=estimate checkbounds preselectfile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_000_PRESELIN.WHR wherefile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_000_SPLIT.WHR' in bac

kground, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TABSPLITCALL.001'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225442 #2 (2): PID 22405 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool splittable table=DDNTT keyfields=TABNAME segmentsize=0.012500 coun

t=estimate checkbounds preselectfile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_001_PRESELIN.WHR wherefile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_001_SPLIT.WHR' in bac

kground, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TABSPLITCALL.002'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225442 #3 (3): PID 22406 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool splittable table=DDNTT keyfields=TABNAME segmentsize=0.012500 coun

t=estimate checkbounds preselectfile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_002_PRESELIN.WHR wherefile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_002_SPLIT.WHR' in bac

kground, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TABSPLITCALL.003'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225442 #4 (4): PID 22407 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool splittable table=DDNTT keyfields=TABNAME segmentsize=0.012500 coun

t=estimate checkbounds wherefile=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_003_SPLIT.WHR' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TABSPLITC

  1. ALL.004'.

3 ETQ122 20160527225444 (3): PID 22404 exited with status 0 (time: 2.000/0.020/0.028 real/usr/sys)

4 ETQ399 Got 80 split conditions for table 'DDNTT' in '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_000_SPLIT.WHR' - adding to cache.

3 ETQ122 20160527225444 (2): PID 22405 exited with status 0 (time: 2.000/0.024/0.012 real/usr/sys)

4 ETQ399 Got 80 split conditions for table 'DDNTT' in '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_001_SPLIT.WHR' - adding to cache.

3 ETQ122 20160527225444 (1): PID 22406 exited with status 0 (time: 2.000/0.012/0.016 real/usr/sys)

4 ETQ399 Got 79 split conditions for table 'DDNTT' in '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_002_SPLIT.WHR' - adding to cache.

3 ETQ122 20160527225444 (0): PID 22407 exited with status 0 (time: 2.000/0.016/0.020 real/usr/sys)

4 ETQ399 Got 80 split conditions for table 'DDNTT' in '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/tmp/DDNTT_003_SPLIT.WHR' - adding to cache.

1 ETQ000 ==================================================

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160527225444

2 ETQ102 Finished execution of 4 process(es).

3 ETQ127 Interval: 20160527225442-20160527225444, time 2.000/0.072/0.076 real/usr/sys

2 ETQ108 Analyzing logs for errors.

2 ETQ000 ==================================================

2 ETQ100 Executing 20 processes in total - will run 20 in parallel.

3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #1 (1): PID 22408 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=40 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK totabname=/BCV/S_UIF_COCKPIT_FILTER' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #2 (2): PID 22409 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=41 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/BCV/S_UIF_COCKPIT_FILTER totabname=/ECRS/STVAO' in background, output written to '/u


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #3 (3): PID 22410 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=42 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/ECRS/STVAO totabname=/SAPAPO/BLRG_STRUC_DYN' in background, output written to '/usr/


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #4 (4): PID 22411 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=43 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SAPAPO/BLRG_STRUC_DYN totabname=/SAPAPO/OPWRT' in background, output written to '/us


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #5 (5): PID 22412 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=44 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SAPAPO/OPWRT totabname=/SAPAPO/VS_PART_DEL_ITEM' in background, output written to '/


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #6 (6): PID 22413 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=45 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SAPAPO/VS_PART_DEL_ITEM totabname=/SAPSLL/PRECT' in background, output written to '/


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #7 (7): PID 22414 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=46 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SAPSLL/PRECT totabname=/SCDL/STM_TRANSIENT' in background, output written to '/usr/s


3 ETQ121 20160527225444 #8 (8): PID 22415 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=47 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SCDL/STM_TRANSIENT totabname=/SCMB/TMDL_TRANSP_CONTROL_STR' in background, output wr

itten to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.008'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #9 (9): PID 22416 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP int

del=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=48 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SCMB/TMDL_TRANSP_CONTROL_STR totabname=/SOMO/MA_S_LIST_MONID' in background, output

written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.009'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #10 (10): PID 22417 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=49 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=/SOMO/MA_S_LIST_MONID totabname=BP_MULTIPLE' in background, output written to '/usr


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #11 (11): PID 22418 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=50 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=BP_MULTIPLE totabname=CPCHUNIQ' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #12 (12): PID 22419 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=51 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=CPCHUNIQ totabname=DML_S_RELATION' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/S


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #13 (13): PID 22420 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=52 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=DML_S_RELATION totabname=FICOS_DIFF_CHANGE' in background, output written to '/usr/


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #14 (14): PID 22421 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=53 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=FICOS_DIFF_CHANGE totabname=LFART_BEZ' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/D


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #15 (15): PID 22422 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=54 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=LFART_BEZ totabname=POC_R_BO_TYPE_S' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #16 (16): PID 22423 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=55 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=POC_R_BO_TYPE_S totabname=RSDFATTRSTRING' in background, output written to '/usr/sa


3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #17 (17): PID 22424 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=56 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=RSDFATTRSTRING totabname=SATC_D_AC_ASPERR_ERROR_KEY' in background, output written

to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.017'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #18 (18): PID 22425 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=57 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=SATC_D_AC_ASPERR_ERROR_KEY totabname=SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_ITEM' in background,

output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.018'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #19 (19): PID 22426 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=58 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=SPLIT_UTSTSPLIT_DATATYPE_ITEM totabname=SWLGCYOUCOUNT' in background, output writte

n to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.019'.

3 ETQ121 20160527225445 #20 (20): PID 22427 execute '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT SID pf=/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP i

ntdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=59 protsuffix=NTACT_CHK fromtabname=SWLGCYOUCOUNT' in background, output written to '/usr/sap/SID/SUM/SUM/abap/log/TP.0


3WETQ122 20160527225453 (19): PID 22408 exited with status 8 (time: 9.000/1.104/0.252 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225456 (18): PID 22409 exited with status 0 (time: 12.000/1.944/0.584 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225501 (17): PID 22425 exited with status 0 (time: 16.000/3.840/1.344 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225503 (16): PID 22423 exited with status 0 (time: 18.000/3.848/1.260 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (15): PID 22412 exited with status 0 (time: 26.000/5.052/1.012 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (14): PID 22418 exited with status 0 (time: 25.000/4.472/1.088 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (13): PID 22424 exited with status 0 (time: 25.000/4.164/1.268 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (12): PID 22411 exited with status 0 (time: 26.000/5.456/0.980 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (11): PID 22416 exited with status 0 (time: 25.000/4.324/1.092 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225510 (10): PID 22417 exited with status 0 (time: 25.000/4.100/1.060 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225511 (9): PID 22413 exited with status 0 (time: 27.000/4.296/1.136 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225511 (8): PID 22415 exited with status 0 (time: 27.000/4.720/1.232 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225511 (7): PID 22422 exited with status 0 (time: 26.000/4.588/1.392 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225511 (6): PID 22419 exited with status 0 (time: 26.000/4.508/1.052 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225511 (5): PID 22414 exited with status 0 (time: 27.000/4.660/1.080 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225512 (4): PID 22410 exited with status 0 (time: 28.000/3.932/1.096 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225513 (3): PID 22420 exited with status 0 (time: 28.000/7.108/1.076 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225514 (2): PID 22421 exited with status 0 (time: 29.000/4.696/1.168 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225514 (1): PID 22426 exited with status 0 (time: 29.000/6.916/1.312 real/usr/sys)

3 ETQ122 20160527225527 (0): PID 22427 exited with status 0 (time: 42.000/9.601/2.708 real/usr/sys)

1 ETQ000 ==================================================

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160527225527

2 ETQ102 Finished execution of 20 process(es).

3 ETQ127 Interval: 20160527225444-20160527225527, time 43.000/93.334/23.193 real/usr/sys

2 ETQ108 Analyzing logs for errors.

2EETQ106 1 processes failed.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN400527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 449610 for errors.

4EETQ399 Some errors found during the log scan!

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN410527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 876272 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN420527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1818365 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN430527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1842997 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN440527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1826996 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN450527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1789386 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN460527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1789665 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN470527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1783594 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN480527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1792517 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN490527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1688192 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN550527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1688462 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN590527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 3722400 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN540527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1677825 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN560527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1683716 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN520527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1717344 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN530527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1712858 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN500527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1729964 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN510527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1666480 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN580527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1722094 for errors.

1 ETQ124 Scanned file 'log/PN570527_NTACT_CHK.SID' from offset 114 to 1673161 for errors.

4 ETQ205 Module state set to error

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160527225528

1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Single errors (code <= 8) found in logfile 'NTACT_CHK.ELG'

1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "NTACT_CHK" aborted with errors ("20160527225528")

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