Re: Assest reteriment
Hi Hidyath 1) If you scrap an asset, having a NBV of say, 100, it would hit to some P&L account. Where do you want to hit it? Maintain the same GL in AO90 2) During Sale, you can avoid P/L by...
View ArticleRe: Date variable format in Design Studio scripting
Hi Moritz I am dealing with same issue. I d appreciate if you can share if you had any solution. Thanks
View ArticleRe: LineNumber() Function --- Can we do Descending?
Hi HT, Apart from ID, you'll also need to merge on the Date object from different data providers, that's the way to do it. So the idea is, if you've multiple data providers, you'll have to merge on all...
View ArticleRe: How to get Default selected value NONE in Datatable list box??
Each Screen set can have a many screens that look similar but are formatted differently for the client platform. When you open NotificationMoveInOrOut Screen set open the platform section. Here you...
View ArticleRe: Assest reteriment
Hi HIdyath Its a duplicate thread.. I have replied to the other one Assest reteriment Ajay M
View ArticleRe: oData offline Kapsel plugin with Fiori Client
Thomas, Fiori Client doesn't currently support offline. Regards,Kevin
View ArticleRe: Format cell based on value in SAP BO Design Studio
Hi Alfred, Thanks for your reply.I am afraid here we have the issue.We are using AO (local mode with connection to HANA) + DS BIP mode. Note: gives a...
View ArticleRe: NWBC for HTML: Fiori/Bluecrystal design for navigation
Hello Melinda, do you happen to know when it will be available? Quarter and year would be sufficient ;-) RegardsWolfgang
View ArticleRe: Syntax for using the if else condition inside custom query in sap bo webi
Hi, Your SQL looks a bit strange.You have used ";" in the IF statement and I don't know any database supporting the ";" as a separator in a IF statement.I assume that you are using SQL Server. Try to...
View ArticleRe: Interactive script does not work in the document
Sounds pretty like a problem which does not have the root inside the Form itself. Please share some more details about the application, how you call it and maybe you have a samplereport to share:-)...
View ArticleRe: By using BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE updating values issue
I already asked for, but which IDoc do you use?
View ArticleICMS Partilha - s_alr_87012155
Bom dia, Referente ao assunto ICMS Partilha, quando é gerado o livro s_alr_87012155, ele está acumulando na base e no valor o conteúdo dos campos ICAP e ICEP. Segundo informações do setor fiscal,...
View ArticleAtualização da "NT_2015_003_v170"
Bom dia Senhores, Poderiam informar se haverá mudanças e ajustes pela SAP referente a atualização das NT´s"NT_2015_002_v1.40" e "NT_2015_003_v170" ? Sabemos que terá mudanças em parte calculo do FCP,...
View ArticleRe: Debugging through workbook
Hi, Check the variable. May be variable influencing the results. Regards, Anand
View ArticleRe: Cannot Open pdf file in SAP system
Hi, Is this issue specific to only this one file, or do you get the same error while opening other PDFs in other travel expense items as well? Regards,Saurabh
View ArticleRe: ECC 5.0 upgradability
Hi Dignan. Is it possible to jump directly from 5.00 to 6.08? ... I think no... so I've just read PAM but it's so pessimist. So, I understood that:Is it not possible to upgrade the system to EHP7 or...
View ArticleSAP CAR licenses
Dear all I can see from the SAP price metrics for CAR that Licenses are based on Revenues.Is this Revenues based on the actual data flowing from POS, or the total Revenue for the Company regardless of...
View ArticleRe: Retención y Pagos Recibidos
Buenos dias, donde configuras las retenciones? De que pais es tu empresa? Estas utilizando una localizacion?
View ArticleRe: The network name cannot be found
Hi Jon, Do you have the logging enabled? If so can you attach your TBLLOG file? Thanks, April
View ArticleAMDP language SQLSCRIPT Dynamic name of the table
Hello,I would like to calculate dynamically the name of the table where I want to select in my AMDP for example like in normal ABAP l we do: 1. ABAP PROGRAM DATA: source_syntax TYPE string. SELECT...
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