Re: Determination of Workflow Initiator's Manager
Hello, You can use the 168 rule to find the direct manager. Try it out in PFAC_DIS. You may have to copy the standard workflow to a custom one in order to implement it. regardsRick
View ArticleRe: how to block vendor account group ?
Even external number ranges have to be assigned to account groups to be able to create vendors using standard transactions.A removal of the number range will then certainly lead to an error message...
View ArticleRe: Missing key predicate name for key: personIdExternal Error
Hi David, ich habe the same problem. Did you solve it? ThanksSami
View ArticleRe: Powerbuilder 12.6 will not install on Windows 10
No, it is a "normal" desktop machine. Thanks for all your assistance up to now but I'm off to bed (time difference). I would like to continue tomorrow if I may. Gerry.
View ArticleRe: It is possible to show a text or field on DW with different colors (or...
PowerBuilder now supports Richtext Edit Style for columns. SyBooks Online - The Richtext Edit Style Not trivial, but your requested can be implemeted by using that feature. hth Arnd
View ArticleRe: Goods Receipt can not be made unless PO is approved.
This process has no logic, if a PO is not approved then a vendor cannot know about a PO and hence no delivery happens and no restriction on MIGO needs to be implemented.
View ArticleRe: No geometry(RH) found for the document
Turns out one VE SPRO configuration was missing its fixed nowm But I bumped into another error After it says Loading Geometry Information 1. File Can not be loaded2. File ID Incorrect Thanks and regards
View ArticleRe: Errors during deployment DU
Hi,Hey, Is the issue resolved ? I am facing the error [Activation][8] Activation of at least one object failed[Activation][8] Object: ==>...
View ArticleSAP BYD Invoicing a Sales kit
Dear SAP Community, I have the following question: 1) I would like to print a customer invoice for a Sales kit product. This kit contains a few components and I would like to display the kit´s...
View ArticleRe: Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Re 1947 Rohit. we have not done a true correction. We only removed some EEs from the detailed and summary tables with the 'force correction' function. Best, Mathias
View ArticleRe: NF-e PI 7.4 Configuration for AEX
Jose muito obrigado pela dica. E limpar o cache CPA, eu ainda tenho o mesmo erro.Muito obrigado pela ajuda e dicas, vou continuar tentando outras opções.Eu comentei que o erro ocorre quando receber a...
Hello Adinarayana, Can you please help with your solution. We have a same requirement. Thanks in Advance.
View ArticleRe: Installation of Crystal Report for Enterprise 4 Client Tool Error
Thanks guys. Absolutely. The file was corrupted and we downloaded the file again and it worked this time. Regards, Timi Jones
View ArticleDefault values depending on the control key PM03
Hello Experts, I need to default values for service requests depending on the control key PM03 in Plant Maintenance orders.Is there a way to do it or an enhancement ? Thanks,Raneetha
View ArticleRe: SAP to Fed-Ex, DHL, UPS system for functional consultants
Have you seen Including Express Delivery Company Requirements - Shipping (LE-SHP) - SAP Library ?
View ArticleRe: Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Thank you Marcelo and Mathias. Mathias, I am also trying to remove one of the employee whose 1095 is generated because of the wrong data. When I am trying to use the Force correction it is giving error...
View ArticleRe: Replicating Customer Master Data from Hybris Commerce to C4C
Hi Vaibhav, I have already gone through this. I don't have access to SAP Cloud IdP tenant. Can we still do the integration between Hybris & C4C without that? Regards,Subhasish
View ArticleRe: SAP Notes date implemented report
I was searching for a way to find which notes have been implemented ordered by date and based on the helpful information provided by Raymond I put the following SQL statement together: select...
View ArticleRe: Picking before good issue
I have not done it myself, just bookmarked this question for using it as reference in SCN. Fiorenzo Di Marco listed the steps for ORI and RMLV, I can just ope that he had done it, and as you have the...
View ArticleUnusual role Error replicating Oracle nonSAP DB
Hi, We are trying to replicate data from a nonSAP Oracle 11g database and are getting the following error: Failed to create triggers for table TABLE_NAME with logging table /1CADMC/TABLENUMBER...
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