Re: Problem with SUM (SLES / MaxDB)
Hi Tomasz, We faced the same issue, and was wondering if you ever resolved your issue? If so, please share with us. Thanks for your time,DN
View ArticleRe: Advance Goods receipt,,,
Please read my previous response. Option 2 should serve your requirement.
View ArticleHow to change field name and field label in WE19?
Hello Gurus, I would like to know how to change the field name and field label in transaction to test IDOC processing --> 'WE19'. Example:- The segment field E1EDK14-QUALF is shown as QUALF(Field...
View ArticleRe: production order sap
Hi, What you call charcterstics? detail better your problem. Regards Dimas Faria
View ArticleRe: Doubt in using the FOR statement
Exactly! That's what I wanted to know Juwin.I did not know the CONDENSE and REPLACE function using the way you presented last code (of courseI know the old way). That wayit worked...
View ArticleRe: curso WBRNFS
Olá Márcio, Acredito que o WBRNFS lhe daria uma visão geral da funcionalidade da emissão de NFe usando o mensageria SAP, riqueza de detalhes e funcionalidades da ferramenta. Para se aprofundar no...
View Articlecopying forecast to MRP for MRP Type VM
Hi, we are trying to set up automatic ROP planning (MRP Type VM) and this is what I have set up so far MRP Parameters with the MRP Type and the forecasting tab with the forecast generated based on...
View ArticleRe: Broken links to the documents
Hi David, Looks like you have a real problems... A lot of very useful documents are not available and nothing changes. I think the issue has to be escalated! Vadim
View ArticleRe: Sizing on AWS
Hi Ventsislav, Yes I have noticed the new version already, but I am afraid when installing it I will face the same issue. That only the largest (most expensive) server can be chosen but officially in...
View ArticleRe: How do I configure RFCs for SNC communication?
Hello Filipe, Thank you for your response. I had seen that page before and, while it may have helped with determining the format for SNC names, it doesn't say anything about certificates and whether...
View ArticleRe: Aggregates to show averages instead of totals
Thanks Vadim. The user requirement is not as complicated as your example, but I get your point. It is better to write a formula or SL for it. I am thinking of something like If Time period is "2016...
View ArticleRe: Converting a charvar2 to number, decending order shows 100 after smallest...
Group Sorting takes precedence over Record Sorting. Here's what you need to do: 1) Go to the Insert Summary option > Choose the formula you created to convert to number as the 'field to summarize'...
View ArticleRe: Problem when adding new items and conditions with BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
Hello Olivier, I have a question about your code, can you help please? in this line "ls_bapicond-cond_value = ls_condition-kbetr / 10." why did you use the '/10' ??? Hope4 you can help me with...
View ArticleRe: OLE image with dynamic path not displaying after upgrade to CR 2013
How are you running the report? -Dell
View ArticleRe: Unable to get Data from dynamically loaded Datasource (HANA-Live View)
Hi, I don't think you need to put the SAP client number in single quotes, unless the database stores it like that. Try the removing it and see if it works.What you have in the getData command is "'"+...
View ArticleWagetype /411 not updated in March Payroll Process
Dear Pears,We are updating HR Patch Level for ECC 6 EHP4 from 83 to 98. And so we have update our patch level to 98 in Development Server. But today we found that when we were processing Calc for...
View ArticleRe: Cannot use Formatter property in details page
do you have value for Bname?for now it is null, which cause the problem
View ArticleRe: Orientación del papel al momento de imprimir
Julian, haré tu recomendación... Muchas gracias por tu aporte
View ArticleRe: Personas 3 SP1: Theming issue (image position)
Thanks for your test, Tamas.Which Kernel Version do you use in your PERSONAS-system?Í will check my config and system-settings.
View ArticleRe: It is possible to hide a package?
Hi, You cannot hide package for various logical reasons.
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